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Many countries are frustrated that the U.S. isn't doing more to combat climate change

All Things Considered : NPR


[00:00s-00:42s]: On the first day of the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, negotiators finalized a new fund to help poor countries pay for damage caused by climate change. The host nation, the United Arab Emirates, committed $100 million to that fund. The United States pledged just under $18 million. And that highlights the US role in these negotiations. Other nations are often frustrated the US isn't doing more as the world's wealthiest country, which has done more to cause climate change than any other nation. But it's also indispensable in addressing the problem. NPR's Jeff Brady reports. US climate envoy John Kerry delivers a positive message about US action on climate change these days.
[00:42s-00:45s]: I'm happy to report that the United States
[00:47s-00:49s]: has stepped up under President Biden's leadership.

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